We welcome you all to the journey

                                          … Richard Gabriel and Judith                     

These sites represent years of our on-going work and our adventures so far in the quest to fulfill our calling to the Great Pyramid and to uncover any evidence pointing to our ancient Ancestors. Our journey arose from conjoined lifetimes of supernormal experience and the understandings gained from these events; and our task is still incomplete. Cosmic transformations have begun. We openly disclose our material and invite all readers to become participants with whom we will fully cooperate. Please always check the Message Board at the foot of this page for news updates on any relevant activities.

From our sojurns, contacts and private research we have encountered numerous strange things around Cairo and in the Western Desert. These have left us with huge questions we have been trying to find answers to.  We found compelling evidence that much higher ancient sea levels signal a shore line where future exploration could be concentrated with greater expectation.  We found a correlation from the ancient shore line to the Giza Plateau. We encountered compelling evidence too, of a highly sophisticated people living in a very ancient time, who left a legacy of achievement buried under the Giza plateau and the Western Desert.   We invite you to examine the evidence presented in the following page-files, then return with your own feedback using the Message Board at the foot of this page – or directly to us using our admin Mail link above.

“All my life I had chased an understanding of the crazy experiences which singled me out as a loner with a single obsession; to profoundly understand the Nature of Things. In 1981 I had an experience to end all experiences. It was as a memory recall of how everything actually worked. It was instant and gave me back the whole knowing of the function of matter up to and beyond quantum. It addressed and answered every question about my whole life of Supernormal experience and every other question thrown at it. It was my Event!”

– Richard Gabriel