Please bear with us while we migrate the full context of the archived site It is a very lengthy process to update the pages and get the content in order. However we are doing our best but you can access the entirety of the archive outside of this website by clicking below. Again this is our way of preserving over 40 years of dedicated blood sweat and tears. Thank you for your understanding.

For Egypt’s Ancient Past

When the Last Tank Has Gone” – Richard Gabriel


S e c r e t   E g y p t   &   A f t e r l i f e   R e v e a l e d 


Extract from the Hopi Blue Star prophesy:
There will be messengers that will precede the coming of the Purifier.
They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.
The messages will be found written on the living stone………….
Bear this in mind as you conclude Echoes from The Chamber !

LINK   The Fabulous Iron Rock of Australia    NEW*@ September 1st 2014

2011  Matters – The Files

LINK    Unresolved Questions 

LINK    The Destruction of the Nazlet Alien

LINK    The 11.11.11 Fiasco

LINK    The Open Letter To Zahi Hawass – Christmas Day 2011

The 2010 Battle of Giza – The Truth Behind the Deceit

LINK    2010 – That Was The Year That Was – Intro

LINK     2010 – SHAFTED on the Giza Plateau 

LINK    Radio Interview with Camelot

The Nazlet el Samaan Village Fiasco – 6 dead Men & The Big Underground Secret

LINK    The Village of Nazlet el Samaan & The Location of The Palace Tomb of Khufu – Intro 

LINK    The Whole Village Story and our involvement in the Exposure Process

LINK    Supplemental pics and Accounts of Artefacts found from other Illegal Village Digs 

LINK    Comprehensive Gallery of the Death Site and the alleged Items from Below Ground 

LINK    This is what greeted the Authorities at the Underground Chambers where the men died

LINK    Fake Videos mixed with Real just to confuse! See them for yourself and You decide

LINK    Later we were taken blindfold to another Massive Illegal Dig by a Mosque in Old Cairo 

LINK    The Alien Archway in the Village of Nazlet el Samaan, also linked within the Evidences Files below

…A Growing List Of The Major Evidence Files for YOU to help Solve

LINK     Aramu Muru, Stargates, & The Giza Plateau  

LINK     The Alien in the Village of Nazlet el Samaan

LINK    The Ancient Desert Sea and The Strange Petroglyph

LINK    The Cliff Cave of Horse and Human Bones

LINK    Explosions and Skulduggery in The Western Desert   

LINK    The Crushed Caves and Ghosts of Abu Lifa

LINK    The Forgotten Roman Temple in the Desert Wilderness

LINK    The Osiris Shaft Mystery Mud Tunnel   

LINK    Strange Affairs around The Western Mastabas

LINK    The Berlin Wall of Nazlet el Samaan Village

LINK    What the BEEP are These

LINK    The Secret Side of Giza

LINK    The Questions you should be asking about Giza Now

LINK    The Pharaonic Village – Alive in Cairo

LINK    Wanderings and Romantic Mysteries Further Afield

…Concurring Evidence from Other Sources


LINK    Other Sources of Material – Comment Intro

LINK    Our friend Howard Middleton Jones and the Ambilac Site   

LINK    Camelot Productions – Whistleblower Interview site

LINK    Tom Danley – Astro Acoustics in The Great Pyramid

LINK    The late Philip Coppins – Author and Investigative Journalist

LINK   Our friend Bruce Fenton’s sharp focus on 2012 and more

From our Stellar Origins to The Geomatrix Blueprint at Giza

LINK     What Is The Geomatrix Blueprint

LINK    Painting the broad canvas of who we are and how we got here  

LINK    Once Upon A Maybe, The story of how it all began  

LINK    Bringing the Cycles to Today with their Warning from Yesterday


All my life I had chased an understanding of the crazy experiences which singled me out as a loner with a single obsession; to profoundly understand the Nature of Things. In 1981 I had an experience to end all experiences. It was as a memory recall of how everything actually worked. It was instant and gave me back the whole knowing of the function of matter up to and beyond quantum. It addressed and answered every question about my whole life of Supernormal experience and every other question thrown at it. It was my Event!

Quite simply I offer my journey to you to test against your own experience. The book, Echoes from The Chamber is now in print. However the draft introductions and first chapter can be read here, and you will encounter other files where the Understanding has been exposed…. Richard.     As with everywhere else within this site, your own comments, questions, queries, challenges or additions – are welcomed in the Guest Book at the bottom of this page.


Our endorsement of first class alternative Books

– which explore aspects of Life, the Universe and Everything in the search for our true roots.

Life beyond Quantum & The First Contents of Echoes from The Chamber

LINK    www. Echoes from The Chamber : Details of the book and pages of photo evidence plus explanations leading

                                                                 from discoveries above & below ground at Giza

LINK   Pre ~ Rambles for the Homecoming Journey 

LINK   Finding Explanations – and The First Full Chapter  


Deeper Inspirations and True Stories from the Journey

LINK   The Difficult Case for Indigos  

LINK   Crystals and The ‘Presence’ of Illness  

LINK   Out of Body and Lucid Explanations   

LINK    Close Encounters of the Karmic Kind  

LINK   Explaining OBE’s Lucids and Dream States   

LINK   The Man with a Broken Leg  &  A Fistful of Sand  

LINK   2012 or beyond – And Why We Should Be Preparing Now  

LINK   Visions In The Night


LINK   Meeting the Anubis

LINK    Open Skulls 


LINK   The Writings – A Primer Explanation 

LINK   One Foot From The Top  

LINK   Principles of Possession  

LINK   The Song of Diocretes 

LINK   A Mutual Understanding

LINK   My Epiphany of the 12th. October 2013 

The Places, The Stories, The Miracles from The Holy Family in Egypt

LINK   The Holy Lands of Egypt – A Primer Introduction 

LINK   Sifted Site Links with Invaluable research Material

If This Makes You Wince …Consider How The Horse Feels

We sometimes mistake for cruelty – the way of Creatures

 Such is their instinct – to catch to eat to survive

 It is savage but it is their reason

 It is Instinct – with no Choice Offered and no excuse necessary

 With our choice      With our Cruelty       What excuse have we ?

 What shall we do to begin to restore balance ?   Read-on…

& Dead or Alive – Here is what is so AppealingLINK

Please Support us in order to save a few of them from agony and death

From The Message Board – Developed Responses…

LINK      09.0.13 Blinded by the Prophet …and an answer  NEW

LINK    Of Conflict – Resisting the Dark & The Job Beneath The Plateau  

LINK    Delving Under The Giza Plateau